Soñadora por naturaleza y Sarcástica por conveniencia


Hoy Me Siento POETA!

Alone Time

I’m sitting in this room
Calling this my alone time
A time to write, to think, to reflect,
but most of all A time to smile.
a time to feel sorrow, plenitude, peace
and must of all A time to drop a little tear and cry
It’s not a time to scream, to point fingers or even to blame
It’s just something I like to call my alone time and peaceful place.
Feeling perplexed at the abnormally of being by yourself
May appear shocking to most of my friends
When actually it’s a mixture of emotions
I can’t even put my finger on to say
How can god stands by while his own creation Kills something he once made?
Friendship is a feeling that when is broken leaves into to much pain
Cause if I putted so much effort on building such a beautiful place
I wouldn’t want that it was killed by some of my own friends
Whatever was in the past, constitutes your present at the time
And whatever is in your present will be your future right?
So my advice to you is to play well the cards
Cause you don’t know what king or queen departs you from here to that
This means that your actions will have repercussions
So beware your back
It’s not good being backstabbed by one of your own deer friends
So it’s better to be Cautious
This isn’t some shitty poem to read and throw
These are my thinkings if you want to keep reading on
God didn’t do the world in one day
It took him seven to do a job well made
Just as you can’t built a friendship
with just some talking and lame emotions
You need to start from the top
just like he first did the ocean
I guess im just dwelling at the lost of a soul
That got me thinking it once cared when it cared not
At least im alone giving it some time
When I better believe
it was just the experience of my life
You can move on thinking the past won’t do you any better
When it’s better to think it’s the best knowledge to get ever
Cause it makes you grow on the inside
Teaching you things that not even me can do on this rime
This is why I love my alone time
Because it provides me stuff that I know Im gonna have to pass.


Anonymous said...

That's deep.. Very Nice..

DrLacxos said...

that's jevy, apero ta nitido i like u stile de verdad i dont lie....

Atrum said...

te corre la prosa por las venas ;).. Lyn ta cool tu blog "interesante"

Aribelette said...

guao! speechless!

Unknown said...

eso paquito de gabriel garcia m. tan silviendo.. jejeje yo solia tener alone times pero eran bored y nama lo usaba para quitarme una que otra espinilla en el espejo, y pensar en cosas asi como sin sentido, depue mami me llevo a una dermatologa entonces baje las horas de mi alone time y lo aumente en mi phone time.

pero e jevi pensar, se siente raro, pero es jevi.

Lynn Marie said...

a todos a todos a todos!! GRACIAS!!

Josema: que te digo.. te duele la cabeza cuando piensas?? jajaja!

Nat said...

Wow its true friends are hard to find, they usually back stab u.

Anonymous said...

ute tiene talento mi hija dejese de tar escribiendo en paginitas

Libélula said...

"If you like who you are, You're never in bad company when you're by yourself" I love my alone time too!!!

Teacher Yorch said...

bueno lyn

yo soy hijo unico... imaginate!

alone time is my time all-together

i am used to being alone, to thinking alone, to reading, to listenning to music, to writing

;) good job

Unknown said...

chachaaa jejejej es decir.... como ke cuando tu te mete pa lo hondo pensando, e raro asi como *ke peos toy pensando* pero es bn..

Edwin R said...

Saludos Señorita!

Estoy aqui para pedir perdon por el error de tu carrera en el email/Blog de Lekcie "El Blogeo" :) Espero que te encuentres bien y que no te hayas ofendido...

Un beso y un abrazo!

alfonso said...

Por eso es que tengo un link tuyo en mi bló!!!!

Lynn Marie said...

ay edwin claro ke no me ofendi jaja! no hay problema!

George: te entiendo, yo hago muchas cosas cuando estoy sola y me encanta, es como taan personal!

Libelula: estoy tolamente de acuerdo!

ANONIMO: GRACIAS! pero yo amo mi blog, si tianes algun trabajito en un periodico oa mi, avisame!

Nadi_CM said...

me gusta mucho este post, esta nice

Anonymous said...

Eileeen te amoo

.::. ~ natz! * .::. said...

sometimes being alone is good..

Anonymous said...

heyyyyyyyyyyyy tha's wass cool! guess who am i???

Lynn Marie said...

ay dio yo en el work ni me doy cuenta de los chismes de mi blog ! jajaja
I love you too flower!

Anonymous: Who r u?? do u really love me??

Anonymous said...

temo ke no me hagas caso por eso no revelo mi identidad

Anonymous said...

temo ke no me hagas caso por eso no revelo mi identidad

Anonymous said...


alfonso said...

amiga..pero usted se bebio un pastilla de desaparitex 25 mg?? por donde andas...????

Lynn Marie said...

ppl!! perdon que no estoy posteando tan a menudo.. gracias por la preocupacion.. pero no me he muerto FONSII.. lo ke pasa es ke estoy trabajando de 8 a 5 ahora y por ahi mismo me voy para la uni, casi siempre hasta las 10 sino me kedo haciendo un poco de coro y cuando llego a mi casa, casi no topo la compu, siempre me pongo hablar por tel o sino a cenar y acostarme.. lo se no tengo vida..

pero esto es solo por un mes hasta que consiga otro work.. i love being busy!

Cuando pueda y no este haciendo muchas cosas en la office, posteare los ultimos acontecimientos de mi maravillosa vida! jejej!!

Un beso a todos!!